Improve tests, grading, and curriculum design with AI
Perfect for designing my next course!
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4 Teachers
10 Course Documents
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What quantaIQ can Offer You
Explore the versatile features that quantaIQ has to offer, and how it can help you in your journey.
AI Tutoring
Our advanced AI technology helps students study more effectively by providing personalized AI tutors and study plans. With quantaIQ, you can maximize your learning potential and chieve academix success like never before.
Personalized Testing
At quantaIQ, our platform enables teachers to create personalized tests for students, allowing for a more tailered learning experience. Say goodbye to generic tests and hello to assessments that cater to individual needs.
All in One Classroom
quantaIQ brings your classes together in one convinient place, making it easier than ever to stay organized and focused. From materials to class schedules, everything you need is just a click away.
Teachers are Welcome
Here at quantaIQ, we want to work with teachers to create tests with ease, customizable to each student, provide automatic grading while managing all courses in one spot.
Discover Why People Love quantaIQ
Get to know what our users think about quantaIQ, with absolutely no bias.
Charles Calapini
This is going to make EI almost uneccessary, I had my own tutor in my room!
Noah Harper
The only reason I am passing ECE is because of quantaIQ!
Sean Andres
This gave me the summary of all of my textbooks, not that I read them answay!
Andre Birkner
It even knows 中文!
Lim Lorz
As an international student, this is a game changer!
Ruel Biniahan
This makes all the difference in the world, especially as someone whose second language is English!
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